Students create affordable eye-tracking tablet for the disabled

Users with disabilities have long been able to film the computer is in control of only one eye, but the hardware and software are expensive. Heck, a surprisingly accurate Tobii PCEye is a real steal $ 6,900. And although we can not vouch for their usefulness in engineering students at Brigham Young University was an impressive achievement, which is fueled by Eye-tracking Windows 7 Tablet, which costs less than $ 1500. As with nearly all the roads are not coated with gold – one system Eyetech Digital Systems, the equipment in the world market, if the other eye-tracking solutions are too expensive plans are created. We were even a few able-bodied (but incredibly lazy) bloggers to get some use out of it – this morning it would be much easier if we could own a hot cup of double-time contribution to our eyes.

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