Amazon Introduces Cloud Drive and Cloud Player

Amazon announced the release of new cloud service and hopes to compete directly with Apple and Google. Service sent “cloud drive” and the title “Cloud Player” glorified Amazon forecast digital music space, which seemed to have been dominated by Apple.

Jump to cloud someone’s access to this account Amazon 5 GB of free disk space for storing files. The service is available on the internet and Android devices, so you can listen to downloaded music. Since Cloud Drive is an external hard drive, you can do it much more than just a music store. The unit is also capable, images, videos, taking documents and everything gets on your computer. Amazon is also introducing new digital services, and they hope these new measures will increase their shares of the company. Perhaps one of the Amazon to grow as big as Apple, maybe.

You can upgrade to 20GB or
$ 20 per year up to 1000 GB $ 1,000 a year, but if you buy only one album, Amazon MP3 you to 20 GB (promo) to update. And a nice incentive to the music at Amazon is not for your storage limits to count.


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