We always hope that the globe-like PS9 (right?), But because, like wireless head-to-game console is not available nor unethical, we can do with the PS4 rumours. Based on nothing more than a game of phone component manufacturer, Taiwan’s Digitimes sources tell a new PlayStation 4 is expected to begin sometime in the spring of 2012. Supposedly baked on board this latest instalment of motion controls Kinect à la David Lynch and a holographic virtual pet. We kid, but we hope the new helmet sample. After this has remained anonymous insider, Sony planned production of 20 million consoles for the home – all led directly to eBay, we think. It should be obvious that these messages should go take a sip of salt, but with the PS3 the age of five in November this year, is a safe bet that there is a successor of “It just makes everything” on the throne the way .